Note from the shop:
Slots for our Spring build is now full.
We're currently taking orders for saddles to be completed by the end of Summer 2023.
There's no substitute for the right equipment--especially when you're 15 miles into the backcountry.
When I got into horses as a teenager, I learned to pack out of necessity as it was the only way to supply the sheep camps where I was working in southern Utah. When you get into packing, you learn really quickly about the difference between good pack equipment and bad pack equipment.
I've watched the pack industry slow quite a bit over the last decade as the demand for equipment has not only decreased but the quality of what products are still available has diminished. Where I don't intend to make a comeback in the industry, I have realized that there are still those who are willing to pay for a high quality rig so that's what we're here to offer. No mass production, no cutting corners, and for pete sake; absolutely NO conway buckles!
Below are some of the specs you can expect from our highly functional Sawbuck Pack Saddle:
- Nearly one full side of 13oz Old World Harness Leather from the Hermann Oak Tannery in St. Louis, MO
- Tugs and breeching straps cut at 1" width with plenty of holes
- A proven saddle tree made with poplar bars and solid oak sawbucks (with optional rawhide).
- 48 units of solid brass hardware
- 77 number 9 copper rivets
- 24 leather loops (two per tug) held together with solid brass loop staples
- Heavy duty breast collar with rolled chap leather edge and lining-curved to fit that neck line
- 4 extra long 1-1/4" quality latigos
- Tapered sheepskin under the butt pad
- Custom engraved brass plate tacked onto the bar (the default engraving will be "CUSTOM MADE FOR [insert the first and last name of the customer]" unless otherwise specified)
After the purchase of your packs saddle you will be added to our waitlist. Currently our waiting list is approximately 3-5 months out. However, if we can get you grouped with another packsaddle order, there's a chance we will get it done sooner. Feel free to contact the shop to get a better idea on the waitlist or if you have any additional questions.